
  • January '25: New Working Paper submitted: Efficiency and Equity in Repeated Entry Games
  • Dec '24: Dean’s List of Outstanding Teachers, UCD College of Business. Grateful to my colleagues and students for inspiring me every day.
  • Nov '24: Flying to Singapore to teach Operations Management in our Global Campus for 3 weeks. Feel free to reach out to meet if you are around!
  • Oct '24: Distinguished Service Award, INFORMS Technology, Innovation, Management and Entrepreneurship (TIME) Section. I am grateful to my colleagues and the TIMES community for their support.
  • June '24: Presented "Efficiency and Equity in Repeated Entry Games" at The Fifth European Technology and Operations Management Day held at the University of Cambridge.
  • April '24: Accepted in Management Science: Dueling Contests and Platform's Coordinating Role
  • is back: Towards an efficient job market search
  • Journal Publications

    Dueling Contests and Platform's Coordinating Role

    Management Science, 71(2):1488-1503, 2024


    The Role of Participation in Innovation Contests

    Management Science, 68(6):4135-4150, 2022


    Working Papers

    Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

    Prizes on Crowdsourcing Platforms: An Equilibrium Analysis of Competing Contests

    Proceedings of The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC'20),  2020
    Crowdsourcing Contests with Private Types and Evaluation Uncertainty

    Proceedings of The 3rd Cambridge Area Computation and Economics Conference (CAEC'17), Microsoft Research, New England, 2017


    I have been teaching a number of modules on a diverse set of topics including Project Management, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics, Platform Strategy, and Business Model Transformation. Here is a recent list of modules taught:

    In addition, I am highly interested in developing modern pedagogical materials such as Case Studies, Simulations, and interactive Games to support student learning. All my cases below are available at Harvard Business Review (or similar case distributors) and are accompanied by a detailed Teaching Note and Excel Sheet; instructor copies are available upon request.


    • UCD Smurfit Business School
      Office No. N211A
      Carysfort Ave, Blackrock, A94 XF34, Ireland